My name is Mindy, and I'm the author of Iron Out which reviews the science demonstrating the vast effects of iron overload on our health.
A little background on me: I have a degree in physiology and research experience in the science of aging and neurodegeneration. For the past 16 years, I’ve been a chiropractor and and functional testing practitioner .
Daily, I see evidence of the effects of iron overload in my patients with joint pain, and nerve and muscle pain who are also tired, inflamed, not sleeping well, anxious and often overweight. My focus here is driven by what I see in the clinic in my chiropractic patients and nutrition patients, and also by what I’ve seen in myself and my family.
Interestingly, many of symptoms of iron overload, including an inability to lose weight, increase noticeably in pre and post-menopausal women who lose their monthly ‘iron detox’ when their period stops.
As Dr. Jym Moon PhD points out in his excellent book, iron is the most toxic metal, and our processed foods are full of it.
From the introduction of Dr. Moon’s book:
For the last 18 years I have accumulated much of the vast body of scientific information that indicates that iron excess is responsible for more sickness and death in North American than any other single factor, including smoking.
His book was published in 2011, and the research supporting his thesis has grown exponentially since that time.
Since 1941, American flour has been laced with iron- a metal that in excess builds internal shackles on our metabolism, and essentially fills our intestines, organs, skin and joints with rust- oxidized iron. This seemingly fantastic statement is strongly supported by science going back over 150 years, and this science has accelerated in the last 20 years as the specific physiological responses to iron overload are uncovered.
The science demonstrating the effects of iron overload, and its sequelae including the process of ferroptosis (cell death induced by iron overload), is vast and growing.
Heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, neurodegenerative conditions, autoimmune conditions, gut dysbiosis, obesity, arthritis, PCOS and cancer are all driven by iron overload. Iron ignites inflammation and fertilizes chronic illness.
Iron overload and it’s effects can often be improved by simply removing iron-enriched products from your diet, donating blood if your health permits it, eating whole foods and letting the body heal. Morley Robbins outlines a simple system for doing this methodically in his elegant Root Cause Protocol.
His online course RCP 101 outlines the foundational science of removing iron and restoring healthy metabolism in detail.
I hope the articles I share here will be helpful for you, your family or someone you know. Thanks for reading!
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Disclaimer: The statements made on IronOut.org have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The science and observations mentioned here are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any specific disease. The information provided on IronOut.org is not a substitute for a consultation with your own physician and should not be construed as individual medical advice.